The Benefits of Sealing Your Attic: Is it Worth It?

Air-sealing an attic is a great way to maintain your home and keep energy costs low. It helps your home feel comfortable all year round by preventing warm air from entering the living space during the warmer months and heat loss during the colder months. Sealing yo

The Benefits of Sealing Your Attic: Is it Worth It?

Air-sealing an attic is a great way to maintain your home and keep energy costs low. It helps your home feel comfortable all year round by preventing warm air from entering the living space during the warmer months and heat loss during the colder months. Sealing your attic is a beneficial DIY project that can save you money, create a healthier environment, and increase your home's value. Hermetic attic sealing is the process of plugging holes with expansive spray foam to prevent excess air from passing through.

This involves identifying and sealing all the gaps, cracks, and other openings in the attic that allow air to enter or escape to the house. The cost of hermetic sealing varies depending on the size and location of the home, as well as the size of the project. Many people are unaware of how much airtight sealing can improve their home's comfort, and some homeowners are concerned that excessive hermetic sealing will make their home dull or unsafe. However, air sealing has great advantages and many homes need it. But if you seal a house that isn't properly insulated, you won't get all the benefits and won't be able to fully regulate your home's temperature. If you're doing a major home renovation project, now is a good time to consider tackling this project too.

Is air sealing worth it? Absolutely! Sealing your home can save you money and create a healthier, more comfortable environment. Plus, it increases your home's value.

Laurel Ubertini
Laurel Ubertini

Freelance internet fan. Hipster-friendly bacon aficionado. Friendly travel expert. Subtly charming twitter enthusiast. Freelance pop culture advocate.